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The mental well-being of the amateur filmmaker
Doing what we are passionate about is not always easy

It often happens that an amateur filmmaker must resolve to do everything by himself either for lack of collaborators or by lack of means: From the idea to the scriptwriting then from the realization to the shooting, the editing etc. so that the finished project most closely reflects what he visualizes in his mind.

When writing a screenplay, we proofread, rewrite and make changes. During editing, we look at the same thing several times to cut, rearrange or add elements so that everything is to our satisfaction.

While the world of work conditions us to get results as quickly as possible, we tend to repeat this pattern even in our personal projects, in our passion. It is then that it is necessary to restructure because the personal investment in the project is added to the life of work and family.

There comes a time, by dint of repetition, that we no longer see clearly in the writing or in the editing because the excitement of the idea and its realization wane and we begin to doubt its creation, making movies and even oneself.

Before you get to that point, don't forget this:

  • Try to manage your time fairly between projects, work and family.
  • Unless you have a deadline, no one is pressuring you except yourself, so accept the time it takes to make the necessary changes to achieve satisfaction with your project.
  • There is no point in obsessing over a problem and it is better to take a break and let the solution come to you.
  • Schedule time for rest and entertainment.

If you put into question filmmaking, take the time to remember why you chose to embark on this path and you'll find back the essence of your motivation, to move forward on the right foot.

If you are confused about where you are in your scriptwriting or editing, share with someone close to you what you have written or the progress of the editing and you will have an idea of how your project is progressing and how it is currently received.

Sneakily, these moments of discouragement and doubts can happen when you are not expecting them, so it is better to take the necessary precautions, otherwise it will be even more difficult to climb back up the slope once the bottom has been reached.
